Leftovers Have Value; Dispose of Them Systematically and Your Restaurant Will Get Something in Return
A lot of restaurants might’ve already started managing their #FoodWaste and noticed the benefits of food waste management. However, they’ve probably found out that somethings can’t be used anymore and ultimately have to be tossed out, but they use the kind of disposal that doesn’t benefit them much or they just #tosseverythingout. Sometimes this creates unexpected problems for their restaurant.
Did you know that managing #ZeroWaste well and systematically, other than helping to prevent sensitive issues before they arise in your restaurant, can also create a return for your restaurant?! Today, Chef Benchawan “Po” Sansathian, an expert from Makro Horeca Academy, will reveal the importance of waste management and share some tips with you that are guaranteed to help you reduce problems and increase income for your restaurant!
Leftovers have value. Don’t overlook them. Sell them to recyclers to create a return for your restaurant.
“Other than the ingredients that have to be managed well to create as little food waste as possible, there are somethings that restaurants have to throw away on a daily basis. If you at them more deeply, you’ll see that, although the value for each day is small, when many days are combined they turn into a large sum of money. You can save this #savesomemoney money from #leakingout.”
Examples of valuable leftovers that can be recycled to create a return for your restaurant:
- Cardboard boxes/glass bottles/plastic bottles/cans/buckets/foam boxes/used oil/leftover ingredients and food scraps/etc.
Companies and Shops That Buy Recycling
Waste from your restaurant with value can be sold to the following recycling companies and shops:
- Used vegetable oil can be sold through the Facebook page “Deethai oil”. Call: 086-0089367 https://bit.ly/3kVwr0d
- Used vegetable oil can be sold through the Facebook page “Chai Mae Klong”. Call: 0814468341 https://bit.ly/38YjnEN
- Winaipanit Recycling Center buys antiques with 24-hour recycling at Phutthamonthon 3. Call: 087-067-0029 , https://g.page/winaipanit
- K. Recycle and Service Co., Ltd. Call: 081-8156922 , http://krecycle.com/
- PK RECYCLE. Call: 083-842-5550, https://bit.ly/3fbWtL8
- Wongpanit Tiwanon Main Office. Call: 02-5818315-6, https://www.108junk.com/th
- Chanratchada Shop. Call: 089-065-2194 https://bit.ly/36V99Tc
- The Thai Recycling Association, https://www.junkbank.co/
- Daniel Bucher, Executive Senior Sour Chef of Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park
Pick up food at home, in hotels and restaurants.
Why does recycling need to be systematically managed?
“Because it’s a sensitive issue. Some business owners don’t expect this to be a sensitive issue for their restaurant. Think of it this way: If you don’t manage it, some employees might take the leftovers and sell them, causing conflict between the employees and the employer. This could impact your restaurant’s operations. Therefore, you should lay down the appropriate standards from the start.”
How do you manage it systematically?
Upstream >>>>>> Make a list of waste that has value and can be recycled. Establish a management system, such as providing a proper storage space because humidity and moisture can take away its value and make the area a source of insects and diseases, and sorting the waste to prepare them for selling.
Middle Stream >>>>>> Find a properly registered recycling company that can issue the correct reciepts and tax invoices everytime to prevent corruption. Create a selling schedule that’s suitable for your restaurant, perhaps once every 2 – 3 weeks or once a week, depending on the amount of waste accumulated daily as well as the restaurant’s convenience.
Downstream >>>>>> Create an income account by selling the recycling for transparency and traceability.
Leftover food from ordering errors have to be properly managed.
“Waste from food or leftover ingredients have to be properly managed. Food waste or leftover ingredients that can’t be sold can be used as fertilizer or animal feed. However, some restaurants don’t think of this. Another issue that requires your attention is leftover food from ordering errors. If this isn’t properly managed, it can become an issue that negatively impacts your restaurant later.
What do you do when there is an ordering error?
- Some employees intentionally make ordering errors, so they can get free food. Apart from causing you to lose money, it also causes the customer to complain and can negatively impact your restaurant’s image. That’s why some restaurants have a strict rule that if any waste is created by ordering errors, it has to be tossed out to prevent the aformentioned incident.
- When you want to dispose of the leftover food, you have to turn it into somthing that is completely unrecognizable as your restaurant’s food because someone might try to sell it or eat it and get food poisoning. This can have a negative impact to your restaurant’s image.
Communicating to customers that your restaurant has a Zero Food Waste policy can help with your restaurant’s image and sales.
Since you’re already doing a good deed by having a #ZeroWaste policy in addition to getting the benefit of preventing money from #preventing money from leaking out leaking out of your restaurant and creating a #Return for your restaurant, why not broadcast your good deed? You can tell customers that your restaurant #properly manages its waste and promotes #recycling recycling to help the environment. you can create a sign or promote it through your restaurant’s social media because a lot of customers these days are interested in the environment and would usually promote socially responsible operators. Of course, if this customer group knows about it, they’ll be attracted to visiting your restaurant. In addition, it’s a way to promote sustainable business operations, which can definitely help your restaurant’s image and sales!!